UnSub Actors Membership
UnSub Annual Membership is open to actors who would like to attend our workshops. For just £150 the membership entitles you to priority booking, includes 4 x one day workshops which would normally cost £200, 20% off our other workshops and enables members to audition for our mini showcase. Limited membership availability.
Priority mailing list
4 x one day workshops. (normally £200)
20% off all other workshops/classes for a year.
Chance to audition for mini showcase.
Full details below
Priority Mailing list: Workshops will be emailed to the priority mailing list 24hours before it is fully advertised to mailing list/advertised on social media etc. Workshops will still be booked on a first come first served basis.
4 x one day workshops: You can redeem this for any 4 day workshops or for 2 x 2 day workshops or a combination. workshops will be booked on a first come basis but members will hear about the workshops 24 hours before full advertising. Cannot be used for our Rehearsal to Performance week workshops or the mini showcase.
20% off other workshops and classes: Applicable to all future workshops and classes booked including Rehearsal to Performance for a year.
Mini Showcase: The chance to audition for the mini showcase. Actors will perform a monologue and a scene for a small panel of three industry people. Next one planned for May 2015.
To apply send cv/spotlight links to unsubactors@gmail.com